Saturday 5 May 2007

Speak for yourself...

'Let the photographs speak for themselves', some say; others add 'but do we understand the language?'. Perhaps all photographers are to some extent multilingual in this regard but what might be the native 'photographic' tongue to one, may still be gobbledygook to another.

There is always the potential for disparity between what signification is intended and what is assumed by the reader, dependant for the majority at least, on convention. When photographic convention is placed under semiological scrutiny and the question of metaphor, symbol or visual pun is introduced in order to explore artistic or existential meaning, then I think it is worth writing something to elucidate which language speaks through these images and to illustrate the terrain one hopes at least to be steeped in.

To this end I tentatively present my Bloggus Ferum, ('wild blog') as yet ragtag and unformed but which like the nebulous gaseous forms in outer space which are all the while conforming to unseen forces, I hope it will also eventually coalesce into a recognisable aspect.

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