Sunday 4 November 2007

Somethings happening

Somethings going on and I mean to get to the bottom of it. Too many people are concurring, too many going through the same thing, though they may express it differently, but it is undeniably there going on, whatever it is.

It is alluded to at every turn, books are written about it, talks are given, tapes and Cds are made so we can hear the same message in our cars or on our iPods. Something's going on yet it's not reported in the media, politicians don't seem to be concerned, in fact nothing larger than the individual people round me seem to know anything about it.

Perhaps by its very nature it can only be recognised by single persons, perhaps it is somehow invisible to the world at large, invisible to politicians, to priests or pontiffs, or to the world media, I don't know, but they don't seem to be the ones talking about it.

The stuff these guys talk about:

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